Eylie Sasajima
Filed under: Authors
Eylie Sasajima is a recent high school graduate who lives in the rural town of Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. Poetry and fiction are her main creative outlets. She is a former poetry contributor to her school's newspaper, The Rocket Star. Her writing process is influenced by world history, media, social justice issues, and her experiences with Gen Z culture. Outside of writing, she dedicates her time to nature, family, and her cats. She is a recipient of the Sophie Kerr Scholarship in creative writing. She looks forward to attending Washington College as a member of the Class of 2023, and she plans to pursue a BA in English.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eylieblue
Winning Entry: reflections on a car radio set to scan
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2019, Honorable Mention