Garry Somers
Filed under: Authors, Sponsors

Garrison Somers slogged for 21 years in the trenches of big biz before discovering his best thing—staying at home and raising his own kids, something he swears he's been getting better at with experience. He is also the editor of The Blotter Magazine and Corner Bar Magazine, and has published two "crowd-sourced-art" books, Tree and River (The Blotter Magazine, Inc., 2011 and 2014, respectively). He is working on a multi-volume self-publishing project of "micro-novels" through his Lightfinger Books imprint: single-sitting readers intended for gratis distribution in hospital waiting rooms. His poetry filters through the spare time in the same way coffee percolates. He lives with his wife Kristin and daughters Olivia and Beatrice in Chapel Hill, NC.
Winning Entry: Profanity - (lalochezia)
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2016, Honorable Mention