Jenny Doughty
Filed under: Authors

Jenny Doughty is a British poet who has lived in Maine for almost eight years. She is a former English teacher, and Education Advisor to Penguin Books in the UK. In addition to poetry, she has also published the books Key Poets, an anthology of pre-20th century poetry, Historical Diaries, Letters and Journals, and Breakthroughs in Science under the name Jenny Green. Her short stories and articles have been published in a number of magazines which include Bella magazine, Parenting, and First Steps, where she also did a stint as an agony aunt (Brit-speak for a person like Dear Abby who offers answers to readers' problems). In the United States, her poems have been featured in Gestalt Review, Naugatuck River Review, and Pulse online magazine.
Winning Entry: Travellers’ Tales
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2010, Finalist