Jocelyn Pihlaja
Filed under: Authors
Jocelyn has been teaching English at the college level since 1991. She has a husband who cooks dinner every night, kids who hold up hands requesting "Silence!" when their reading is interrupted, and a blog, O Mighty Crisis. In addition to writing for online publications, she also is a regular contributor to a local public radio program, Women's Words, where she delights in wearing huge headphones and pretending she's interviewing Alec Baldwin about his "Schweddy Balls".
Born and raised in Montana, Jocelyn now lives in Northern Minnesota near the shores of Lake Superior. While the water and winters are glorious, she's never going to get comfortable with the unrelenting Niceness of the natives. This essay marks her first entry into nonfiction essay contests.
Winning Entry: Family, Edited
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2015, Honorable Mention