Filed under: Authors

Koss is a queer writer and artist with an MFA from SAIC. They have work in (or forthcoming from) Diode Poetry, Hobart, Five Points, Feral, Cincinnati Review, Anti-Heroin Chic, North Dakota Review, Chiron Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, San Pedro River Review, Rat's Ass Review, Prelude, The Lumiere Review, Amethyst Review, Bending Genres, Kissing Dynamite, and many others. They also have work in Best Small Fictions 2020 and Kissing Dynamite's Punk Anthology. Keep up with Koss on Twitter and Instagram.
Website: https://koss-works.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Koss51209969
Winning Entry: My Therapist Sez
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2021, First Prize