Lucien Agosta
Filed under: Authors

Lucien L. Agosta, Emeritus Professor of English at California State University, Sacramento, earned his Ph.D. at the University of Texas, Austin, in 1977. In addition to publishing numerous articles in his field, he is the author of four books: Howard Pyle (G.K. Hall, 1987); E.B. White: The Children's Books (Simon and Schuster Macmillan, 1995); Losing Time: AIDS Lessons in Love and Loss (BookLocker Press, 2019); and Inventing the Truth: Memory and Its Tricks (BookLocker Press, 2022). He appears on the DVD for the 2006 film version of Charlotte's Web under the segment "What Makes a Classic". He received the Outstanding Teaching Award at California State University, Sacramento, for the 1999-2000 academic year. He is married to Bud Sydenstricker and now resides in Palm Springs, CA.
Winning Entry: Losing Time: AIDS Lessons in Love and Loss
Contest Won: North Street Book Prize 2022, Honorable Mention