Lytton Bell
Filed under: Authors

Lytton Bell has published two chapbooks (A Path Before Winter, 1998, and The Book of Chaps, 2002), won four poetry contests (Sacramento Public Library, 2002, Tickled by Thunder, 2003, Laughing Frank, 2003 and the Brodine/Brodinsky/Connecticut Poetry Society, 2004) and performed at many local venues, including the Sacramento Poetry Center, Luna's Café and The Book Collector, to name a few. Her work has appeared in over two dozen poetry journals, web sites and e-zines. She lives in Sacramento, California, with her cat Simon, husband (novelist David Gay), and their two uberchildren, Sam and Charlotte. Ms. Bell earned a poetry scholarship to the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts in 1988, where she studied with Deb Burnham and Len Roberts. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Bryn Mawr College in 1993 and went on to study poetry with the legendary Molly Fisk. Ms. Bell can be reached at
Winning Entry: Ten Uses for Cabbage
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2008, Honorable Mention