Maia Elsner
Filed under: Authors

Maia Elsner is a writer from London currently living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her debut collection, Overrun by wild boars (flipped eye publishing, 2021) won the Somerset Maugham Award and was listed as one of the top ten books of 2021 by The Telegraph. Her debut nonfiction book, Dante Elsner (Guillemot Press, 2023), uses archival material, an interview, a transcription, and over 300+ images to tell the story of her grandfather's life, a refugee who survived WW2 by hiding in the forests of Poland after his family was murdered and later found in art a reason to live. A new chapbook, Colours of Mourning (Guillemot Press, 2024), is a sequence of ekphrastic meditations inspired by her grandfather's paintings. She is the recipient of the 2023 Vivian Shipley Award and a Zell Fellowship at the University of Michigan.
Winning Entry: Oil Painting as a Form of Lying
Contest Won: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest 2023, Honorable Mention