Nancy Pagh
Filed under: Authors

Nancy Pagh burst on to the literary scene as a teenager, publishing her first poem, "Is a Clam Clammy, Or Is It Just Wet?" in a local boating magazine. Since then she has authored two award-winning collections of poetry and one book of nonfiction and her work appears in many anthologies and periodicals (Canadian Literature, Prairie Schooner, Crab Creek Review, Poetry Northwest, Rattle, and O: the Oprah magazine among them). Nancy has performed in national and international reading series such as the Gist Street Master's Series in Pittsburgh, the Skagit River Poetry Festival in LaConner, and the Cross-Border Pollination series in Vancouver, B.C. She has been the D.H. Lawrence Fellow at the Taos Summer Writers Conference and a recipient of an Artist Trust Fellowship. She teaches creative writing at Western Washington University. Listen to a live recording of her reading "What I Sometimes Think Other Poets' Book Blurbs Must Say About Me" in podcast episode #28 at A River & Sound Review.
Winning Entry: What I Sometimes Think Other Poets’ Book Blurbs Must Say About Me
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2014, Second Prize