Peter Schmitt
Filed under: Authors

Peter Schmitt is the author of six books of poems, including four full-length collections: Goodbye, Apostrophe (Regal House), Renewing the Vows (David Robert Books), Hazard Duty, and Country Airport (Copper Beech). Two chapbooks, To Disappear and Incident in an Apartment Complex: A Suite of Voices, are with Pudding House. He edited his late father's remembrance, Pan Am Ferry Tales: A World War II Aviation Memoir (McFarland, 2022). He has received the Julia Peterkin Award; the Lavan Award from The Academy of American Poets; the "Discovery"/The Nation (92nd Street Y) Prize; grants from the Florida Arts Council; and an Ingram Merrill Fellowship. His poems have appeared in Hudson Review, The Nation, Paris Review, Poetry, Ploughshares, and Southern Review, and have been widely anthologized and featured on NPR's Writers Almanac. He has reviewed poetry and fiction, and freelance edited novels, short stories, poetry, and creative nonfiction. He lives and teaches in his hometown of Miami, Florida.
Winning Entry: The Condom in My Wallet
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2013, Honorable Mention
Winning Entry: Emily Dickinson Sits Down to Write the Morning After Watching “The Godfather” on Late Night Cable
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2022, Honorable Mention