Phyllis Jean Green
Filed under: Authors

Phyllis Jean Green's awards include First Prize, Dan Sullivan Memorial Contest, High Commendation, Margaret Reid Contest, and Finalist, New Millennium Writings. Pudding House published her chapbook, Above and Below, in 2006. Her many credits include a biography (Diverse City Press, Canada), Iodine, Mad Hatters' Review, The New Writer, Sulphur River Literary Review, Snow Monkey, Sensations, Taj Mahal Review, and Wicked Alice. She edited Peter Tomassi's Mixing Cement (Thunder Rain Publishing Corp., 1999) and L'Intrigue. She often draws on her experiences as a speech and language pathologist and a chaotic childhood. She and her husband relish rural living within raucous Beat Dukes of UNC.
Winning Entry: Mirrors not for Them
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2008, Highly Commended