R.D. Bailey
Filed under: Authors

Raquel D. Bailey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Lyrical Passion Poetry E-Zine, an online journal of Japanese short-form poetry, micropoetry, and short fiction. She earned her BA in Creative Writing from Florida State University. Bailey's poems have appeared in more than fifty publications worldwide. She is the 2019 winner of the Harold G. Henderson Memorial Award for Haiku and the Tokusen (2nd Prize) winner in the 24th International "KUSAMAKURA" Haiku Competition, Japan. Bailey is originally from St. Andrew parish near Kingston, Jamaica.
Website: http://lyricalpassionpoetry.yolasite.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoundingEditor
Winning Entry: dementia
Contest Won: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest 2020, Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid