Rik Wilkinson
Filed under: Authors

Born in North Yorkshire, England. Poetry? No thought for that crap so he joined the R.A.F. Then became a surveyor with a national map-making company. Never willingly read a poem until the age of 25 when he discovered Dylan Thomas...and began to write. Despite an auspicious beginning while studying at Oxford (circa 1970) he unaccountably remained indifferent to competitions and publishing for many years. A poem or two was published in Spokes Magazine in the '90s. But Rik emerged early this century. Has since been published regularly in Manifold Magazine of New Poetry and has given well-received readings of his (largely unpublished) work at various venues in north London and neighboring counties.
He is also a member of Manifold Voices, a London group who read programs of poems by Manifold Magazine contributors.
Vera Rich writes, Rik Wilkinson's poetry is a delight. Crisp, incisive language, a sensitive ear for the inner music of words (in received standard and dialect), a mastery of technique, refreshingly 'outgoing' themes and (at a time when 'poemlets' are the norm), the courage to produce works of a meatier length.
Winning Entry: Letters for a Grandchild
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2004, Honorable Mention