Shirley Valencia
Filed under: Authors

Shirley Valencia grew up in the beautiful hills of eastern Kentucky, then later lived on both coasts and some places in between before settling in Ohio. Now retired from a civilian position at Wright-Patterson AFB, she enjoys having extra time for all the things she loves, including her greatest passions, reading and writing.
First published when she was a member of a writers' group in college, her work has later appeared in England, Canada and several US publications, including Mad Poets Review, Margie, The American Journal of Poetry and others. Poems are also forthcoming in Star*Line and Aoife's Kiss. Although she has won a few smaller competitions throughout the years, she considers this the highlight of her writing endeavors and is thrilled.
Winning Entry: An Overcast Morning on Mulberry Street
Contest Won: Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2011, Third Prize