Tabitha Bagatha
Filed under: Authors

I am the high priestess of the temple of Miley Cyrus, of the Gregorian chapter. The words call to me, verily, and spit divine plasma into my auditory receptors, such that the grandness of her words rub up salaciously against the holy spark in me. I have a bachelor's degree in Miley Cyrus and am a licensed Miley Cyrus technician. I studied oracle bone reading at Cambridge to know the will of Miley Cyrus. I am a certified herpetologist and keeper of the earthquake-predicting snakes that protect Miley Cyrus in the tectonic hell of California. I am a professional shepherd and keeper of the goats of Miley Cyrus, from whom I make Miley Cyrus cheese and whose entrails I read to predict the tour dates of Miley Cyrus.
Winning Entry: A Frivolous Social Event in the USA
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2010, First Prize