Tammy Tillotson
Filed under: Authors
Tammy Tillotson is a freelance writer. She lives in Virginia with her husband, two small tireless boys, and a Siamese fighting fish named ABCDEFG, or simply Alphabetta for short. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Old Dominion University and her Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Hollins University. She is the editor of the Writers Studio Young Authors Anthology entitled Bull Bay Review and a contributing writer for the ezine Discover Southside where her humorous pieces reflect her opinions and tales about growing up and living in Southside Virginia. Though the poem was intended as a joke, her faith is no laughing matter. She attends church on a regular basis, is active in her local MOPS group, and continues to be incredibly humbled by God's wonderful sense of humor in her life.
Winning Entry: The Book of POD: Psalm 69:1-18
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2009, Honorable Mention