Tanya Grove
Filed under: Authors

Tanya Grove would name her firstborn child Wergle Flomp if it weren't for the fact that her first child has already been born and refuses to change her name despite the miniscule chance that it might increase her mother's odds of winning a poetry contest of the same name. When she's not defiling beloved poems of those who can no longer impede this depraved behavior—them being deceased and all—she pens her own humorous poems. (At least she thinks they are humorous.) And to pay for this useless habit, she edits and proofreads manuscripts of people who are not dead and who actually give her money for this service. If you are at all interested in reading more by Ms. Grove, you may find her blathering on www.tanyagrove.wordpress.com.
Winning Entry: A Song for J. Alfred
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2010, Finalist