Veronica Golos
Filed under: Authors

Veronica Golos is the author of A Bell Buried Deep, co-winner of the Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize (Story Line Press) and nominated for a 2004 Pushcart Prize by Edward Hirsch. Most recently, Ms. Golos was awarded a Creative Woman Scholarship by A Room Of Her Own Foundation and a fellowship for the Squaw Valley Writer's Community.
Her work has been a finalist for the Ann Stanford Prize and for the Tupelo Press Dorset Prize. She was a 2003 and 2005 recipient of fellowships at the Wurlitzer Foundation of Taos, New Mexico. From 2005-2009, Ms. Golos was the Poet-in-Residence at Yaxche School. She works with the acclaimed RANE Gallery on The Ekphrasis Project. She is one of 10 poets selected nationally to appear in Interwoven Illuminations, Reflections on RANE, and in the anthology, The Master's Hand. An installation based on a series of her poems, Veils, will be exhibited in November. Her poems appear in the anthologies Pomegranate Seeds: An Anthology of Greek-American Poetry and Poets for Palestine and in Annie Finch's book, Poet's Craft: The Making and Shaping of Poems. Her work has been published in Rattapallax, Meridians, Bridges, Liquour13 (Paris), Orion, Orbus (Liverpool) and other journals. Her poetry manuscript, Vocabulary of Silence, is a response to the continued war against Iraq.
Winning Entry: Pieta
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2009, Honorable Mention