CB Anderson
Filed under: Authors

CB Anderson is a writer, journalist, and teacher. Her fiction has appeared in The Iowa Review, North American Review, Pangyrus, Hayden's Ferry, Indiana Review, Tupelo Quarterly, The Masters Review, and elsewhere. Prizes include the New Millennium Award and the Crazyhorse Fiction Prize. Anderson's narrative nonfiction book Home Now received honorable mention in the 2020 New York Book Festival, and her story collection River Talk was a Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2014.
She holds a B.A. in mathematics from Cornell University and an M.S. in journalism from Boston University. Features and op-eds have been published in various venues including Boston Magazine, CNN, The Christian Science Monitor, HuffPost, The Miami Herald, and Forbes. Her work has twice been shortlisted in Best American Essays.
Anderson grew up in western Maine and currently lives in Maine and Massachusetts. She teaches writing at Boston University and offers workshops online and around the nation. Fellowships/scholarships from Hedgebrook, the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, ZYZZYVA, and the AWP/Prague Summer Seminars have supported her work. She loves ocean swimming, the tin whistle, time with family, and bridges.
Website: http://cbanderson.net
Winning Entry: Blood Ties
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2022, First Prize