Christiana Crabill
Filed under: Authors

Christiana Crabill lives in Newbury Park, CA, in the magical kingdom of suburbia with her fiancé Daniel, whom she met shortly before the pandemic started (whether those two events are related has not been proven yet), and their cats. She writes whatever tickles her fancy, but will oft venture into the absurd to try to find the humor in this thing called life when the muse takes form (such as an Ode to a Petrified Sidewalk Turd). Crabill is a former writer of "snarkasms" for 7 years to (now defunct) independent greeting card company Twisted Tidings, as well as co-author/editor of The Book of Quotations for People Who Hate Quotations. She now posts on Facebook under the pseudonym Dr. Screwloose for off-brand humor and Wilted Butterfly Poetry for the serious stuff. A graduate of California Lutheran University, she is still trying to figure out what she wants to do when she grows up. She enjoys a good sarcastic quip and a daily pun session (twice on weekends). Still working on that novel. This is starting to read like a dating profile.
Winning Entry: Ode to Two-Ply Toilet Paper
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2021, Honorable Mention