Daniel Ari
Filed under: Authors

Poet laureate of Richmond, California, Daniel Ari produced the 2017 Richmond Anthology of Poetry, the city's first, representing its diverse voices. His own book One Way to Ask (Norfolk Press, 2016) combines original poems in a new 17-line form called queron with illustrations created and curated in collaboration with 67 artists including Roz Chast, R. Crumb, Henrik Drescher and Wayne White. The book won the Eric Hoffer da Vinci Eye Award for design and was a finalist for the Lascaux Poetry Prize. His poems have appeared in Poet's Market, Writer’s Digest, McSweeney's, Defenestration, carte blanche, Thema, NonBinary Review, Pearl, and many others, but none so prestigious as the honorable mentions list of the Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. Daniel supports and fuels his poetic life through his career as a marketing copywriter where he has written haiku for Google. For pay.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielAri
Winning Entry: Maybe Blame the Party-Planning Industry
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2017, Honorable Mention
Winning Entry: If I Can Hear You Chew, I Have Fantasized About Your Death
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2018, Honorable Mention