Fred Longworth
Filed under: Authors

Longworth never recovered from the dire influences of Mad Magazine back in the 1950's when Joe McCarthy personally stoked Mad bonfires. In 1969, having received a B.A. in English Literature (San Diego State University), then being told by Student Services that they would offer less than zero employment help to anyone with long hair, and unable to obtain a loan for grad school because of family interference, Longworth entered the blue collar world. Twenty years later he received an MBA from National University, scoring first in his specialization. Does anyone really care about this stuff? He has been a service manager for Panasonic and self-employed since 1994. In the 1990's, his avocational-choices came down to being a poet or third-rate cabaret pianist. His poems have been published in Able Muse, Bloodroot, California Quarterly, Comstock Review, Pearl, Rattapallax, Spillway, Stirring, and the ubiquitous "et al." In fact, his life has largely consisted of "etc." and "et al," with an extra dash of "moreover."
Winning Entry: The Sanitarian
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2014, Honorable Mention