Logan Ellis
Filed under: Authors

Logan is currently working on a creative writing degree at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, during which he hopes to finally decide if he should write poetry or fiction or a Frankenstein concoction of both, or if he should just stop complaining and drink his coffee. In his writing, he regularly strives to bring attention to the overlooked and forgotten, finding the macabre in the great abstraction of "beauty." When he's not maintaining regular upkeep on his mind with feather duster and apron, he's trying to gain notoriety on the social media web of blogs known as Tumblr (#tumblrfamous) while simultaneously submitting work to various literary magazines. He currently has an internship working for a student-run literary magazine on campus and is now juggling the urge to become an editor.
Winning Entry: Waiting for the Lions to Stop Texting Their Ex-Girlfriends
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2013, Honorable Mention