Robert Warren
Filed under: Authors

Robert Warren is a materials management specialist. Robert currently resides in Carson City, NV with Tamar, his wife, and Brian, his son. The household includes several cats and shelties.
When it comes to writing poetry, Robert enjoys utilizing the villanelle format. Robert's defense mechanism is humor and Robert finds the villanelle the perfect vehicle for himself for chronicling the absurdities he observes in today's modern world. Robert has had villanelles published, and his villanelles have also won several awards.
Robert, Tamar, and Brian enjoy the outdoors in Nevada. The three are avid backpackers, hikers, fishermen, and four wheelers. In the picture below, he is in the front of the jet ski.
Winning Entry: The Probe
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2008, Honorable Mention