T.P. Perrin
Filed under: Authors

T. P. Perrin, trained in classical music (composition), has worked as an editor, art critic, school administrator, producer of concerts and — probably his happiest job — giver away of money for a government arts agency. His poems have been published in The Wallace Stevens Journal, Beloit Poetry Journal, Sow's Ear Review, The Listening Eye, Puckerbrush Review and elsewhere, and online at Poetry Daily. His long prose article on painter Alfred Jensen is permanently posted at www.alfredjensen.com. Mr. Perrin's rhymed and metrical translation of Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus is looking for a publisher. A resident of Manhattan for as long as he could remember, he now lives in Binghamton, New York. The photo was taken by Justine Hand.
Winning Entry: McVay, Thersites
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2005, Second Prize