Tony Peyser
Filed under: Authors

Tony Peyser writes poems about politics and pop culture for his own blog that is conveniently called PeyserPoem. Earlier this year, he read his poems on Pasadena public radio station KPCC when he was the resident poet for Patt Morrison's daily current events talk show. Mr. Peyser lives in Altadena, California with his wife, Kathy, and their son, Jeremy.
Winning Entry: Different Businesses, Same Location
Contest Won: Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008, Most Highly Commended
Winning Entry: I Want to Live in an Edward Hopper Painting
Contest Won: Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2012, Most Highly Commended
Winning Entry: What I Did in the 20th Century
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2009, Third Prize