The Egret Tree, South of Haifa
By KJ Hannah Greenberg
The Egret Tree, South of Haifa
Bloomed feathers whiting away
Days over fish ponds
(Meant to feed a small country).
Our bus chugged along;
You coiled sleep
Where suitcases and boxes overflowed;
Leftover lunch at sixty kilometers.
Toward Yerushalyim,
Thousands years' more history,
Than dreams could conjure,
Walked among lanes.
Only the shirut driver knows
Dismembered babies paid hard
Currency for vacationers' safety;
The desert's mystery's more than sand.
This poem is reprinted from Ms. Greenberg's new collection Citrus-Inspired Ceramics (Aldrich Press, 2013). It originally appeared in Scribblers on the Roof, June 2010.
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