From Category: Advice for Writers
An Interview with Mina Manchester, Judge of the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest
Winning Writers managing editor Annie Mydla speaks with Mina Manchester about what it's like to judge the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest | Visit source
What makes a winning humor poem? An interview with Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest judge Lauren Singer
Managing editor Annie Mydla asks Wergle Flomp judge Lauren Singer about the poems that make her laugh
“That’s Not How I Remember It”: Creative Nonfiction and the Art of Dealing with Doubters
Essayist Megan Galbraith shares tips for writing about sensitive family stories | Visit source
10 Tips for Creating Your First Children’s Picture Book
Advice from a publishing professional on picture book layout and storytelling | Visit source
6 Tips for Successful Poetry Readings
Award-winning poet John Sibley Williams shares performance advice | Visit source
A Basic Guide to Getting Permissions & Sample Permissions Letter
Copyright advice for quotes and excerpts from other writers | Visit source
A Literary Agent’s Guide to Publishing Terms Authors Should Know
Basic contract terms explained by Mark Gottlieb of Trident Media Group | Visit source
A Selection of Fine Poems from the Winning Writers Community: What Makes Them Great
Poems by Stephen Derwent Partington, Thelma T. Reyna, Dana Curtis, Robert Savino, and Veronica Golos; critique by Tracy Koretsky
Advice from Arthur Powers, Judge of the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest
Arthur Powers shares advice on the kinds of stories and essays that win contests
Advice from Ellaraine Lockie, Judge of the Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest
Ellaraine Lockie describes the kinds of work she likes to see in the Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest
Advice from Judy Juanita, Judge of the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest
Judy Juanita shares what she likes to see in stories and essays
Advice from Soma Mei Sheng Frazier, Judge of the Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest
Advice for poetry contestants from Soma Mei Sheng Frazier
Advice from the Judge of the War Poetry Contest
Jendi Reiter, judge of the War Poetry Contest from 2002-2011, shares her advice | Visit source
Advice from the Judges of the North Street Book Prize
What Jendi Reiter and Ellen LaFleche like to see in self-published books
Alliance of Independent Authors: Ultimate Guide to Winning Book Awards
Detailed advice for indie authors, featuring WW editor Annie Mydla | Visit source
American Life in Poetry
Weekly column by former US poet laureate Ted Kooser presents contemporary American poems and a short discussion of the techniques that make them effective | Visit source
Amorak Huey on Writing Funny
Musings on the role of humor in poetry | Visit source
An ABC of Translating Poetry, an essay by Willis Barnstone
Master poet Willis Barnstone explores the act of translation, "a friendship between poets...a mystical union between them based on love and art | Visit source
An Honest Answer by Ginger Andrews, reviewed by Dr. Joseph S. Salemi
Poet and classical scholar Joseph Salemi (see bio and poems) probes the limitations of contemporary free- verse confessional poetry | Visit source
Anatomy of a Poetry Contest
See how a judge weighs poems in this essay by Virgil Suarez | Visit source
Art Has an Effect (Make Sure It’s the Effect You Want)
Fiction editor May Peterson on the purpose of sensitivity readers | Visit source
Austin Kleon’s Writing Newsletter
Bestselling author of "Steal Like an Artist" sends out weekly lists of 10 worthwhile reads | Visit source
Autistic Representation and Real-Life Consequences
A call to move past harmful stereotypes in writing autistic characters | Visit source
Bad Poets, a short essay by Randall Jarrell
Mr. Jarrell (1914-1965) was a leading American poet and critic | Visit source
Book Covers, Marketing, and Authenticity: An Interview with Laura Duffy of Laura Duffy Design
A handsome book cover that's right for your genre can increase sales by a factor of two or more. But does working with a professional designer have to feel like a trust fall? Designer Laura Duffy doesn't think so.
Book Review Directory
Site matches authors with reviewers by genre | Visit source
Boston Comment
Hard-hitting essays on the state of contemporary poetry, by poet and critic Joan Houlihan | Visit source
Can Poetry Matter? an essay by Dana Gioia
Poetry is imprisoned in the cozy cells of academia and specialty publishers | Visit source
Canceling My Book Deal Was the Best Career Move I’ve Ever Made
Memoirist Lilly Dancyger advises authors to wait for a press with resources to promote their books | Visit source
Character Naming Tips and Resources at the Kindlepreneur
Digital marketing blogger gives advice and resources for naming characters in different genres | Visit source
Christopher Fielden’s Writing Advice and Competitions Listings
British writer-editor's blog links to top fiction competitions | Visit source
Classism in Literature
Managing Editor's Blog: How to get better at writing about social class
Comstock Review: The Poet’s Handbook
Detailed guidance for poets from the Comstock Writers' Group | Visit source
Craft Capsule: The End
Poet Cameron Awkward-Rich on how to tell when a poem is done | Visit source
Critique Corner Finale: Our Best Advice for Poets
Our best advice for poets from a decade of Critique Corner
Cultural Appropriation for the Worried Writer
Novelist Jeannette Ng on writing other identities responsibly | Visit source
Daily s-Press
Dorothee Lang, editor of BluePrintReview, an English-language online literary journal based in Germany, began this blog in March 2010 to review new books of poetry and prose from small independent presses | Visit source
Daniel Lavery’s “The Only Advice I’ll Ever Have for Writers”
Wise words from an acclaimed humorist about author bios, blurbs, readings, and festival gigs | Visit source
David Biespiel: Follow Your Strengths, Manage Your Weaknesses
How to focus on your strengths as a writer | Visit source
Dead Darlings
Novel-writing advice blog by alumni of GrubStreet Boston's Novel Incubator | Visit source
Death to the Death of Poetry, an essay by Donald Hall
Poetry has been dying all its life | Visit source
Insightful blog about poetry and disability includes brief reviews and discussions of contemporary poets writing about the subject | Visit source
Djelloul Marbrook
Award-winning poet and journalist's weblog features essays on contemporary poets, contextualized with reflections on politics and culture | Visit source
Does Poetry Matter? an essay by William Waltz
Prizewinning poet William Waltz investigates why there are more writers than readers of poetry. Today's highbrow poets, he ventures, should plumb their playful side | Visit source
Don’t Make Violence and Abuse Just Another Plot Device in Your Novel
Bestselling novelist Rene Denfeld's advice on responsible writing about trauma | Visit source
Erika Dreifus: 13 Questions to Ask Before Submitting to a Literary Journal
Editor of The Practicing Writer newsletter shares advice for targeted submissions | Visit source
Essay Daily
Curated by DIAGRAM editor Ander Monson, Essay Daily is a space for ongoing conversation about essays and essayists of note, contemporary and otherwise | Visit source
Exploitation Versus Representation
Managing Editor's Blog: How to identify and fix exploitative depictions in your writing
Explore Your Premise
Managing Editor's blog: Keeping your book focused on its main idea
Facing Altars: Poetry and Prayer
Poet and memoirist Mary Karr muses on the resemblance between poetry and prayer as "sacred speech" that eases the soul's isolation | Visit source