From Category: Advice for Writers
Readerly Privilege and Textual Violence: An Ethics of Engagement
Poet/critic Kristina Marie Darling analyzes the ethics and politics of book reviewing | Visit source
Recovering the Lost Joy of Poetry Games
This essay by poet Marcus Goodyear from the magazine Books & Culture celebrates the playful spirit in poetry and contends that it can be a necessary leaven for poems that address difficult themes | Visit source
Representation Matters: A Literary Call to Arms
Tips and resources for writing non-stereotypical characters with diverse identities | Visit source
Resources for Organizing a Poetry Manuscript
Links to books and articles about structuring a poetry collection | Visit source
Reviews of Trans and/or Non-Binary Lit by Trans and/or Non-Binary Reviewers
Blogger Xan West surveys contemporary trans and nonbinary literature | Visit source
Rhyme or Reason - What Makes a Good Poem?
J. Paul Dyson, editor of FirstWriter magazine, discusses how to integrate rhyme more effectively into your poem and choose the right style for your subject | Visit source
Ride the Pen
Analyzing great literature for technique and writing prompts | Visit source
Romantic Comedies: When Stalking Has a Happy Ending
Real-life negative consequences of rom-com tropes | Visit source
Sage Cohen: 2 Keys to Unlock Your Momentum
How to sort out helpful from unhelpful writing advice | Visit source
Shaping Your Manuscript
Advice from Jeffrey Levine, editor of Tupelo Press | Visit source
Silliman’s Blog
Thoughtful reflections on contemporary poetry and poetics from award-winning poet and editor Ron Silliman | Visit source
So You Wanna Write a Black Person
Romance author Sharita Lira polls readers and writers for advice on avoiding stereotypes | Visit source
Stages and Pages
Writer, editor, and theatre professional Francine L. Trevens reviews books, movies, and stage productions at her blog | Visit source
Submission Strategies: Advice from The Masters Review
Crafting a submissions strategy to meet your goals and pace of writing | Visit source
Techno-Orientalism in Science Fiction
Fantasy novelist Chloe Gong suggests ways to avoid anti-Asian tropes in cyberpunk and dystopian fiction | Visit source
Ten Tips for Psychological Survival in Writing
From Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer by Bruce Holland Rogers | Visit source
Terrible Minds
Fiction writer and "freelance penmonkey" Chuck Wendig delivers ballsy, bracing advice for writers at his entertaining and useful blog | Visit source
Text Etc
Formerly Poetry Magic: A large collection of articles on writing poetry, understanding poetry and getting published | Visit source
The ADD Writer
Author and writing teacher Michael Jackman shares tips for writing productively with attention deficit disorder | Visit source
The Art of Invisible Movement
Novelist Maggie Stiefvater's advice on making your scenes do double duty | Visit source
The Audacity of Prose
An essay against literary minimalism | Visit source
The Chapbook Review
The name of this monthly online journal is self-explanatory | Visit source
The Creative Independent
Emotional and practical advice for artists | Visit source
The Essay as Experiment
Memoirist Christine Imperial shares the benefits of "disarrangement" and uncertainty in essay-writing | Visit source
The Fortunes of Formalism
Poet and critic David Yezzi makes the case for mastery of verse forms and prosody as essential to the education of a poet, and gives a historical perspective on formalism's loss of status | Visit source
The Fries Test: On Disability Representation in Our Culture
Poet and editor Kenny Fries evaluates disability representation in literature | Visit source
The Handy, Uncapped Pen
Blog for neurodivergent and disabled writers | Visit source
The Maven Game
Editor David Moldawer's weekly essays on the craft and business of writing | Visit source
The Most Common Formatting Mistakes When Submitting to a Literary Journal
How to avoid errors that offend editors | Visit source
The Over-manipulation Problem
Novelist and editor May Peterson cautions against excessive revisions | Visit source
The Poetess in America, an essay by Annie Finch
A well-researched defense of poets who fell out of fashion with the rise of literary modernism | Visit source
The Politics of Empathy
Ethical considerations for writing about oppression as an ally | Visit source
The Rejection Survival Guide
Creative resilience for authors | Visit source
The Rest of the Iceberg
Tips for writing outside your own culture | Visit source
The Romance Novelist’s Guide to Hot Consent
How to write responsible, consensual scenes of intimacy | Visit source
The Tipping Point for Best Selling Authors
Success strategies from top-selling indie and self-published crime/thriller authors | Visit source
The Volta in Flash Fiction
Flash fiction craft advice from The Masters Review editor Cole Meyer | Visit source
The Writer Magazine: Essays About Writing
Archive of articles with inspirational tips for writers | Visit source
Thoughts on Structure
Poet Weston Cutter calls for more conscious choice in the structure of free verse | Visit source
Tim Weed’s Storycraft Blog
Novelist's blog analyzes fiction from a craft perspective | Visit source
To Everyone Who Wants Me to Read Their Writing and Tell Them What to Do
Publishing professional Jane Friedman on the benefits and limits of feedback | Visit source
To Trope or Not to Trope
Stories that self-consciously subvert genre conventions | Visit source
Transcending Flesh in Fiction and Fantasy
How to write body-modification speculative fiction that is sensitive to transgender issues | Visit source
Turkey City Lexicon
Witty and informative list of bad prose habits, geared for sci-fi writers but useful for all | Visit source
What Is Creative Nonfiction?
Craft essays on the genre, from the magazine Creative Nonfiction | Visit source
What Type of Book Editing Do You Need? And When?
Differences between copyediting, proofreading, and structural edits explained | Visit source
When Grief Becomes Surreal
Novelist Tobias Carroll on techniques for writing extreme emotional states | Visit source
Why Write Characters of Color?
Craft essay by fiction writer Lillian Li | Visit source
Write an Artist Statement People Will Want to Read
Grant application advice from the Massachusetts Cultural Council | Visit source
Writer Advice
Writers' resource site hosts contests with modest prizes | Visit source