Past Winning Entries
Please enjoy the winning entries from our past contests. They are presented here in the order we added them to our website. To view winning entries by contest and year, please see our Contest Archives.
To Drift in Sandstone Folds
By Alys Jackson
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
Untitled (“bonny, and that is…”)
By Eddie Ansah
Honorable Mention, Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2002
May You Live in Interesting Times
By Johnmichael Simon
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
Rondeaux de Chambre: Barbara’s Room
By Gregory Loselle
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
Facing Alzheimer’s and… the Dying of the Light
By Fred Kruger
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
Writer’s Retreat
By Ellaraine Lockie
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
From Darkness, Deeper Than the Wells of Time
By Phill Doran
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
Triolet for Fishermen
By Phill Doran
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
My Nights of Moon
By Liz Davies
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
In Bangalore
By Carmine Dandrea
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
Haiku Selections
By Jeanie Mercer
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
Day Sailing
By Paul Hamill
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
Reflections of Solitude
By Debra Gundy
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
The Garden Spider
By Judith Goldhaber
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
The Falcon
By Noble Collins
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
Sestina: All the Broken Toys
By Christine Hemp
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
The Old Man from Malkala
By Aunty Myrtle
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
The Sleeper
By Louis Giron
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
Time-Lapse Father - The Migrant Worker
By Liz Davies
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
Different Businesses, Same Location
By Tony Peyser
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
The Last Straw
By Tim Napier
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
By Sam McCarver
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
Old Men, Smoking
By Sandra Kasturi
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
Fear’s Profiteer
By Joseph Gorman
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
Haiku Series
By Judith Ford
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
Coal Dust Street
By George Carle
Most Highly Commended, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
Las Meninas
By Johnmichael Simon
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
Schubert’s Sweet Symphony of a Woman
By Joyce M Shepherd
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
English 379 Revisited
By Frank Salvidio
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
To Botticelli
By Aliene Pylant
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
Watercolor Lighthouse
By Debra Gundy
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2008
To This Coy Universe
By Joseph A. Soldati
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
Lollipop Lullaby
By Johnmichael Simon
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
By Rollin Lasseter
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
A Crown of Sonnets on the Euphronios Krater
By Gretchen Fletcher
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
Old Stones
By Noble Collins
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
Madame Sosostris
By Noble Collins
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
Charles Plays the Ukulele
By Noble Collins
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
The Winter of Our Discontent
By Brian Bentley
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
Night in the North
By Helen Bar-Lev
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
Risking the Road
By Cynthia Rausch Allar
Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007
Groceries on the Path Unpaved
By Crystal-Angelee Burrell
Fourth Prize, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
Coming Home in a Haibun
By Ellaraine Lockie
Fourth Prize, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009
Tao of Taos
By Ellaraine Lockie
Third Prize, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
The Queen of the Sea
By Liz Davies
Second Prize, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
South Sea Odyssey
By Philip Brown
First Prize, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2010
Miss Worthington
By Rosmarie Epaminondas-Bohm
Third Prize, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2009