Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, sponsored by Grist (no fee)
Hey there, writers!
Remember the incredible Imagine 2200 Climate Fiction Contest with its $3,000 grand prize? The clock's ticking—submissions close in just 9 DAYS on June 24, 2024!
Don't miss your chance to:
- Share your vision of a climate-resilient future through storytelling.
- Compete for a life-changing prize and publication on Grist.
- Become an Environmental Writing Fellow at Oregon State University (grand prize only!)
This is your chance to make a difference and showcase your creativity. Climate fiction has never been more important.
Here's a quick reminder of the amazing opportunities:
- Grand Prize: $3,000
- Second & Third Place: $2,000 & $1,000
- Nine Finalists: $300 each
- Publication: All winners & finalists on Grist's website
- Environmental Writing Fellowship: Exclusive opportunity for the winner (grand prize)
Ready to share your story?
Head over to submit your entry before the deadline!
See you on the other side,
The Imagine 2200 Team