Two Sylvias Press Weekly Muse
Join us for an unforgettable evening with JANE HIRSHFIELD in July and kick off your summer of writing! For less than $20 a month, you receive A YEAR of Zoom classes and WEEKLY poetry prompts, a list of places to publish your work, interviews with celebrated poets and SO MUCH MORE! (You can also sign up for the yearly rate to get a bigger discount and guarantee you won't miss any of the incredible classes!) Become a paid subscriber now.
With The Weekly Muse, every Sunday becomes a source of inspiration! And there's always a new Zoom class to look forward to!
• Sign up TODAY and not only do you receive an evening with Jane Hirshfield (Zoom registration link will arrive in your welcome letter!) but also the recording of award-winning poet & memoirist Jane Wong and her most talked about class where she will teach you to write a poem most surprisingly and innovatively!
Don't just dream about writing more—make it a reality! The Weekly Muse is tailored for poets at all stages, from beginners to published authors. And we even have a private Facebook group for you to share your poems and successes!
• Let's make 2024 a year to remember. Become a paid subscriber and start your journey towards a summer filled with poetry, growth, and connection.
And don't just take our word for it!
Testimonials from Weekly Muse paid subscribers:"The Weekly Muse has become an integral part of my writing routine. I can't emphasize enough the benefits of committing for the year. The consistent support, resources, and community have been invaluable. If you really care about your poetry, get the yearly subscription."
~ Fatima Z., Poet and Weekly Muse Subscriber"I've spent more on a bottle of wine that didn't last the night than I did on a month of The Weekly Muse. And guess which one enriched my life more? This isn't just another subscription—it's a true investment in my poetry life. Wish I'd discovered it sooner!"
~ Tyler M., Regretful Sommelier and Thrilled Muse Subscriber"Switching from a monthly to a yearly subscription was a no-brainer after attending the Zoom event with Maggie Smith. That single experience was worth the annual fee alone. Everything else I receive now just feels like an added bonus!"
~ Riley M., Poet, Educator, and Muse Subscriber
We look forward to helping you reach your goals as a poet! Don't miss out any longer! Sign up here.